Started in 2022 Works industries OÜ is keen to achieve sustainable manufacturing in different areas to withstand economical development.

Eco friendly industry

We maintain a standard approach to reach our sustainability goals:

  1. Sustainable manufacturing
    Optimised processes that minimize negative environmental impacts; conserve energy and natural resources. This also enhances employee, community, and product safety.
  2. Optimisation of production processes and techniques
    Optimised production methods and operations by continuously improving performance. Production quality control, fewer production steps. Manufacturing innovations like IOT, automatisation, 3D print. Lower production and labor costs and greater efficiency.
  3. Increased energy efficiency
    Low/clean/renewable energy consumption. Minimize energy use in production.
  4. Producing less pollution, emission and waste
    Lower waste disposal costs. Cleaner and safer working environment.
  5. Industrial symbioses
    Industrial symbiosis emulate sustainable natural cycles in industrial networks, where all discarded materials from one are resources for others to use. “Industry 4.0” production systems prototyping new manufacturing setup.
  6. Design for remanufacturing
    Disassemble it into useful parts that can be directly reused in another product. Improvement around assembly, reparability, refurbishment and disassembly.


Bringing the highest quality, environmentally sound products to global markets.


International presence in major regions.

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